About Us

To do our part for the environment, we plan to sell merchandise and organize workshops discussing environmental issues. These activities will culminate in an environmental musical entitled “Heat!” opened for the public. Our goal is that these events would increase the public awareness on environmental issues while raising funds for the Singapore Environment Coucil.


New Swatch Gent

Christmas is just around the corner and an affordable and lovely gift would be the New Swatch Fall Winter 2010 Gent, a unisex watch that comes in many different colours.

Personally, I like their "Red Rebel" colour the most. It's design is sleek and minimalistic, and would be perfect for any occasion. Big bulky watches are getting out of fashion and this would be the perfect time to pick this watch up. Don't ask me why, but I have no idea why they added "Rebel" to every single of their colours.

The colours range from olive to red, black, blue, white, grey, purple, brown, and even "petrol" .

You can look at the advertisement for the New Gent here: http://www.swatch.com/zz_en/newgent/newgent_adv.html
Also, visit the official Swatch website for more details and the full colour spectrum: http://www.swatch.com/zz_en/newgent.html

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Hey, all of you out there! We're doing this Youth For Causes charity project and we are supporting the Singapore Environment Council in raising the awareness of environmental issues. We need volunteers, and we need many! We will we holding three events: 1st, Selling Merchandise, 2nd, Primary 3 Science Workshops, 3rd, a Musical. We will be selling bookmarks made out of recycled paper, potted plants, seeds (with soil), books and reusable bags. Wanna help prepare these items and/or sell them? Or if you're good at singing or dancing, take a look at our musical! It's is about a scientist who writes a book about environmental issues, but is assassinated by an official due to the oppressive government. Wanna be seen? Act! Sing! Dance! If you don't like to be in the limelight, then help out in backstage crew! Contact Hong Jie at the supplice de chaleur email if you are even a teensy weensy bit interested at supplicedechaleur@gmail.com.


Here's a little sneak peek at the grand musical that we'll be producing. It's 30 sec and low quality for copyright reasons, so anticipate the final product!